
Why, despite access to abundant health and nutrition information, do we still struggle to make healthy food and lifestyle choices?



On the one hand there is so much information out there (which often is contradictory) that it is difficult to keep a clear vision. On the other hand our relationship with food is far more complex than just simple nutritional facts.

A doctor tells you what is wrong with your health. A psychologist tells you why you are not feeling good. A nutritionist tells you what nutrients you need. And a Health coach helps you to find ways to deal with all of this in your actual life and how to apply the changes needed to gain control of your health.

As a certified Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach (Integrative Institute of Nutrition)

I use the idea of Bio-Individuality (“one persons food is another persons poison”) to help you find what works best for YOU and your lifestyle.

We will use the idea of Primary Foods and Secondary Foods to examine the underlying psychological issues and our relationship to food and our bodies and discover which foods work best for your body.

We will deconstruct the meaning behind your cravings and try different tools to overcome them.

I don’t believe in restrictive diets which only make you you crave the forbidden foods more but in the idea of “crowding out”: the more we eat of the good and healthy stuff the less we want to bad stuff.


I believe Health is more than just exercise and healthy food. Health is influenced by every area in our life.

My goal is to empower you in finding your own intuitive and enjoyable way of living well and feeling home in your body and free in your mind.



I will help you discover the “why” behind your desired change. Through my broad knowledge of health, wellness, fitness and spirituality I will help you navigate through your health challenges and changes Together we will set sustainable goals and use realistic means to achieve them. I will stand by your side and hold you accountable on your way to a healthier self. Are you ready to take the first step? Book a Free Health Consultation with me today


 Elle allie force et bienveillance, prend soin de nous et nous emmène à la découverte de notre puissance, notre souplesse et peu à peu grâce à elle j'ai fait d'énormes progrès qui me surprennent encore à chaque séance.

Elle nous invite à retrouver notre curiosité d'enfant, l'amusement à la place de la peur (surtout pour les postures inversées), et y ajoute un soupçon de spiritualité.   

C'est un professeur en qui on a vraiment confiance, au point de s'abandonner au son de sa voix, on ne pense plus à rien, on est un corps qui se redécouvre. Pendant ses séances je me sent "à la maison"
dans mon propre corps grâce à elle. 
